v2.5.0 # New: Custom schema markup on post or page. # Improvement: Ajax-based schema type required field validation. # Improvement: Added Geolocation fields in the Local business schema. # Fix: Fixed tab index issue in the FAQ block schema. # Fix: Fixed undefined index notice issue in the review schema. # Fix: 'unstableOnSplit' property warning issue in the How-to schema. # Fix: 'onnRemove' Unknown event handler property warning issue in the how-to schema. # Fix: Fixed the border issue on the setup wizard. v2.4.0 # New: How-to block schema. # Improvement: Added Review fields in the product schema. # Improvement: Added filter to automatically fetch schema markup for WooCommerce product reviews. # Fix: Fixed review count field visible issue in the Review Schema. # Fix: Added missing recommended field inside the Event type of Review Schema. # Fix: Removed deprecated Item name, Review image, and URL field in the Review Schema. # Fix: Fixed different language string translation issues in the plugin. # Fix: Fixed HTTPS not showing in test schema URL. v2.3.0 # New: Dynamic repeater fields on the post or page. # Improvement: Added optimised Logo image size in the Organization schema. # Improvement: Added Validation on published date and modified date in the Article schema. # Fix: FAQ Schema - Fixed child block not inheriting question tag from the parent block when adding a new question. # Fix: Bulk schema type select issue in the schema dashboard. # Fix: Fixed schema markup error issue in the about page and contact page schema. # Fix: Fixed Event attendance mode option select issue on the event schema. # Fix: FAQ console error when accessing child by id in the FAQ block schema. # Fix: Select other custom field option issue on the post or page. # Fix: Fixed online location markup issue inside Course schema. # Fix: Fixed test link is not shown on the admin bar. v2.2.3 # Improvement:PHP Deprecated: Required parameters follows optional parameters in get meta markup function - Compatibility with PHP v8.0 # Improvement: Compatible with WordPress v5.6 # Improvement: Added Preview of FAQ block schema. # Improvement: Added how to fields missing in the Recipe schema. # Improvement: Added the Brand field type into the product schema. # Improvement: Skipped loading of dependent JS file for Grid layout into the FAQ Block Schema. # Fix: Fixed the General tab UI issue into the Dashboard. v2.2.2 # Improvement: Added the Publisher SameAs field in the Review schema. # Improvement: Added none option for search specific page fields in the configuration settings. # Fix: Fixed Front page target rule issue in the schema type settings. # Fix: Publisher type error issue in the about page and contact page schema. # Fix: The Event Attendance Mode field warning issue with event schema types. v2.2.1 # Fix: Undefined constant SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE warning issue with multisite fixed. # Fix: array_intersect warning issue on plugin activation fixed. # Fix: The dashboard logo was not visible in the multisite fixed. v2.2.0 # New: FAQ block Schema. # New: Added multiple FAQ block schema support. # New: Added WPML compatibility for FAQ block. # Improvement: Added post or page schema fields setting visible only for the administrator role. # Improvement: Added `wp_schema_pro_role`filter to visible schema configuration setting on post or page. # Fix: Updated required fields status for Product and Organization item review type as per google guidelines. # Fix: Fixed JSON-LD code format issues with different languages. # Fix: Fixed exclude category fields configuration issue in the target rule setting. # Fix: Fixed the border issue after WP5.5 at the backend. # Fix: Fixed notice show position issue on the schema settings. # Fix: A knowledge base section is not showing on the settings tab. v2.1.2 # New: Added new social share link options for Wikipedia and MySpace. # Improvements: Updated settings in Setup Wizard. # Improvements: Restructure Configuration settings. # Improvements: Google+ field deprecated in the social profile section. # Improvements: Added new types in the organization type option. # Improvements: Organization schema is now only targeted on the home page. # Improvements: Removed extra contact information field in the corporate contact. # Improvements: Added search box for search page option for a contact and about page schema. # Improvements: Added backward compatibility for deprecated extra fields of corporate contact. # Improvements: Added breadcrumb enable/disable the setting option in the breadcrumb tab. # Improvements: Added knowledge base link in a sidebar. # Improvements: Added Fetch logo from theme customizer automatically for the logo field. # Fix: Fixed time select issue on datetimepicker. # Fix: Fixed selecting years ahead range in the datetimepicker. # Fix: Fixed Logo validation issue on the post or page. # Fix: To accept rating step point value in the fixed rating option. v2.1.1 # Fix: Fixed the error of few arguments to function on plugin update. v2.1.0 # New: How-to Schema. # Improvements: Added tool-tips for schema fields. # Improvements: UI strings improvements. # Improvements: Updated Test schema link as per new Google guidelines. # Fix: Empty field error issue in the FAQ schema markup. # Fix: Fixed year select issue in the person schema. # Fix: Accept user rating not showing for item review type fields in the review schema. # Fix: Remove autoload wp_schema_pro_optimized_structured_data option on plugin update. v2.0.1 # New: Users can now share non-personal usage data to help us test and develop better products. # Improvements: Added required field validation label on Corporate Contact. # Improvements: Added the Toggle button for the Enable Schema Markup filter. # Fix: Fixed the close button not showing into the FAQ schema. # Fix: Logo accepts from schema configuration into schema types. # Fix: Update the UI and fixed the Enable schema markup filter issue. # Fix: Updated Reset star rating functionality. # Fix: Schema Markup is not generating for the Contact page and About us page. # Fix: Notice not showing for required repeater fields in the schema configuration settings. v2.0.0 # New: Frontend required field validation. # New: UI improvements of schema fields setting on the post and page. # New: Added the select meta-list on the specific post and page setting. # New: Added search box for custom field or third party custom field fetch setting. # New: Added global data and local data saving compatibility. # New: Added option Enable Skip Rendering Invalid Schema in the advanced setting. # New: Added Tool-tip for Global field mapped on the post. # New: Added ACF field Compatibility for the post and page. # Improvements: Optimized Schema types structure on the Global setting. # Improvements: Updated Recommended fields in the Course schema. # Improvements: Updated Organizer field in the Event schema. # Improvements: Allows the HTML element inside answer field in the FAQ Schema. # Improvements: Added Validation on start and end date in the Event schema. # Improvements: Added the Clear button on the Date-picker. # Fix: Fixed the date field's issue not showing into the Date picker in the review schema. # Fix: PHP notice issue on the admin page at the time of activation. # Fix: Date issue when time zone change for online events in the Event Schema. # Fix: The extra schema markup was generating for the category or tag. # Fix: Translation issue for the date fields for languages. v1.7.0 # New: FAQ schema. # New: Added the Regenerate Schema Markup feature. # Improvement: Added Date and Time picker. # Fix: Removed a Day/Hour/Minute/Second field with backward & forward compatibility from review schema. # Fix: Fixed update schema markup issue on the configuration page. # Fix: Added home page URL in Website schema. # Fix: Delete Data Uninstall setting is not visible at the backend. # Fix: Fixed language translation issue in the schema markup. # Fix: Fixed issue of Trying to access array offset on the value of type bool with PHP 7.4 compatibility. v1.6.1 # Improvement: Hardened the security of the plugin. # Fix: JSON-LD Schema markup formatting according to google guidelines. v1.6.0 # New: Added new fields in Event Schema type for the canceled/rescheduled/postponed events as per new Google guidelines. # New: Added Movie as an item review type in the review schema. # New: Added Organization as an item type in the review schema. # Improvement: Added Article types in the Article schema. # Improvement: UI appearance changes as per new Google guidelines. # Improvement: Added description tooltip for required fields in the schema configuration page. # Fix: Aggregate rating was not updating through the front-end. # Fix: Autoload issue with optimized cache structured data. v1.5.2 # Improvement: Hardened the security of the plugin. # Improvement: Compatibility with the latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules. # Improvement: Added categories for software application schema. # Improvement: Added reviewer type in for author field in Recipe schema. # Improvement: Optimized number of function calls in the frontend and backend. # Improvement: Optimized number of queries executed on the admin page. # Improvement: Re-structured and optimized the codebase to improve security. # Fix: gmdate() insted of date() function and phpcs changes. # Fix: The software application price field issue in the review schema. v1.5.1 # Security Fix: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. v1.5.0 # New: Added schema markup for amp pages or posts compatibility. # New: Delete schema data and settings on the uninstalled plugin with a delete option. # New: Added Event schema types added in Event schema. # New:`wp_schema_pro_remove_amp_schema_markup` Filter to disable schema markup for AMP pages or posts on Reader mode. # Fix: Permalink added for the sameAs field in Review schema. v1.4.1 # Improvement: Added new fields for product ItemReviewed type of review schema. # Improvement: Added MPN field in product schema. # Improvement: Added dependency to the SameAS field for Book ItemReviewed type in review schema. # Improvement: Organization logo field in job posting schema. # Fix: reviewBody and description fields are not working correctly in review schema. # Fix: Post_type notice issue in the schema pro menu option. v1.4.0 # New: Added ItemReviewed types in Review schema. # Fix: Review schema given an error `Thing is not a known valid target type for the item reviewed the property`. v1.3.2 # Improvement: Removed Aggregate rating markup from article and service schema according to the google requirement. v1.3.1 # New: `wp_schema_pro_comment_before_markup_enabled` Filter to remove comment before schema Markup. # Improvement: Added site link on Schema Pro logo, updated labels and tooltip description. # Improvement: Replace Google documents links with schema pro documents links in the plugin. # Fix: Added Ingredients separately and video type for video fields in Recipe schema. v1.3.0 # New: Introducing White Label feature. # New: Default image option in advanced settings. # New: Contact point information control in configuration settings. # Fix: Image URL issue with Service schema. # Fix: Instructions steps issue with Recipe schema. v1.2.0 # New: Improved BreadcrumbList schema by providing control settings. # New: `wp_schema_pro_link_to_specificpage` Filter to remove shop(archive page) item from product schema. # New: Added Organisation types option in Configuration settings. # Improvement: Added Version number with plugin title. # Improvement: Added Logo guidelines in Configuration settings. v1.1.13 # Improvement: `bsf_target_rules_include_parent_taxanomy` Filter to allow subcategories to be select in Enable On option. # Improvement: Replaced default Select string option to None. # Improvement: Text updated of rule set buttons in target option. # Improvement: Updated Select2 library. # Fix: Updated default selection of schema type for Local business and Review schema. v1.1.12 # Improvement: Added Google recommended fields for product schema. # Improvement: Added Reviewer type option in review schema. # Improvement: Added new value for Gender option in Person Schema. # Fix: Updated `wp_schema_pro_schema_recipe ` filter to `wp_schema_pro_schema_service` for service schema. # Fix: Yoast SEO compatibility issue. v1.1.11 # Improvement: updated image-object case for the logo for organization schema. # Improvement: updated enqueue method to load script and style file for rating in frontend. # Improvement: Added Locksmith type option in the Local Business schema. # Fix: Rating stars color fill issue on hover. v1.1.10 # Improvement: Added MedicalBusiness type option in the Local Business schema. # Improvement: `wp_schema_pro_remove_product_offers` Filter to remove offers from product schema. # Fix: A compatible issue of rating markup not changing instantly. # Fix: Admin notice to start wizard not display for configuration. # Fix: Notice issues on setup wizard. v1.1.9 # Improvement: Optimize plugin code and improved performance. v1.1.8 # Improvement: ACF Compatibility Updated. # Improvement: Improved SiteNavigationElement schema. # Fix: Use logo from customizer option issue. v1.1.7 # Improvement: Added Address, Member Of, Nationality, Same As, Birth Date and Gender in Person schema. # Improvement: Added Rating option in Course and Service schema. # Improvement: Added Business types option in Local Business schema. # Improvement: Added Front Page in the target options. # Fix: CourseInstance option validation issue in course schema. v1.1.6 # Fix: Updated event schema StartDate and EndDate field type. v1.1.5 # Fix: License activation link is not working. v1.1.4 # Improvement: Added Keywords, Category, Cuisine, Instructions and video fields for recipe schema. # Improvement: Updated license registration process with Privacy Policy. # Improvement: Min and Max salary option added in job posting schema. # Improvement: Taxonomies options are added to the specific target for the schema. # Improvement: Added rating option in article schema. # Improvement: Decimal value can be added in product price. # Improvement: Added `wp_schema_pro_schema_enabled` and `wp_schema_pro_global_schema_enabled` filters to disable schemas globally. # Fix: The publisher should appear in schemas according to the site represent. # Fix: Shortcode appears in the description field in schemas. # Fix: Class conflict issue in person schema. v1.1.3 # Improvement: Added `wp_schema_pro_link_to_frontpage` filter to remove home list item from BreadcrumbList schema. # Improvement: Added image-object case for the logo without width and height for article schema. # Improvement: Added `add_ratings_schema_pro_markup` filter and `wp_schema_pro_rating_shortcode` shortcode to add rating more than one time in page/post. # Improvement: Updated logo field as a common field in global setting for both organization and person schema. # Improvement: Support added for Mobile App & Web App categories in Software Application schema. # Improvement: Support added for 0 price schema field. # Fix: Time formate updated in schema markup. # Fix: Updated URL format Http to Https in schema's context type. v1.1.2 # Improvement: ACF Pro compatibility implemented. # Fixed: Star rating conflict with WooCommerce. # Fixed: Undefined index meta-created schema wizard. # Fixed: Undefined function call 'get_pages'. v1.1.1 # Added: `wp_schema_pro_default_markup` Filter to display Enable Schema Markup option on edit page/post. # Fixed: PHP notice: undefined `description` index. # Fixed: PHP notice: invalid argument passed in foreach. v1.1.0 # Added: Setup Wizard to configure global schema step by step # Added: New Support for sitewide schema types: Organization/Person, AboutPage, ContactPage, Sitelink Search Box, Breadcrumb, Site Navigation Element. # Fixed: Schema not rendering on the frontpage. # Fixed: Frontpage meta fields not getting saved while Yoast SEO enabled. v1.0.3 # Enhancement: Updated plugin name `All-in-one Schema Pro` to `Schema Pro`. # Enhancement: All Fiters prefix updated with `wp_schema_pro`. # Fixed: Image selection not working in edit post. v1.0.2 # Enhancement: Listed all Country & Currency in related option. # Enhancement: Updated required & recommended schema fields for Course. # Fixed: Repeater fields value not getting saved on edit post/page. # Fixed: Fixed logo size issue on "Google Structured Data Testing Tool" # Fixed: Strip HTML markup from schema. v1.0.1 # Enhancement: Updated field types for Fixed value in Schema Post. # Enhancement: Updated required & recommended schema fields for Book & VideoObject Schema. You should test your schema configurations if you are using one of these schemas. # Fixed: Telephone number field not accepting all telephone format # Fixed: Test Schema link having `http://` instead of `https://` when SSL is enabled. v1.0.0 # New: "Accept User Rating" option added for aggregate ratings in Mapping options. v1.0.0-beta.3 # Initial Release